Income Protection is an essential lifeline that steps in when unforeseen health issues prevent you from carrying out your job responsibilities. Imagine it as a financial safety net – it replaces a portion of your lost income, enabling you to maintain your lifestyle and fulfill financial commitments without stress.

We understand that ensuring your financial security can be a daunting task, similar to navigating the complex landscape of mortgages when purchasing your dream home. Our dedicated team of advisers are here to simplify the process, providing you with support every step of the way. We break down the complexities of Income Protection, offering expert advice tailored to your individual circumstances and financial objectives.

Whether you’re looking to protect your income due to health issues or unforeseen life events, Bredon Finance is your trusted partner, committed to helping you safeguard your financial future.


Income Protection is an essential lifeline that steps in when unforeseen health issues prevent you from carrying out your job responsibilities. Imagine it as a financial safety net – it replaces a portion of your lost income, enabling you to maintain your lifestyle and fulfill financial commitments without stress.

We understand that ensuring your financial security can be a daunting task, similar to navigating the complex landscape of mortgages when purchasing your dream home. Our dedicated team of advisers are here to simplify the process, providing you with support every step of the way. We break down the complexities of Income Protection, offering expert advice tailored to your individual circumstances and financial objectives.

Whether you’re looking to protect your income due to health issues or unforeseen life events, Bredon Finance is your trusted partner, committed to helping you safeguard your financial future.


Business protection, in simple terms, is a safeguard for your business. It’s an insurance policy that ensures the continuity and stability of your business during challenging times like the loss of a key person due to critical illness or death.

Business protection comes in a variety of forms, such as key person insurance, business loan protection and share protection. The cost of these policies vary depending on the level of cover you require; however with the right advice and guidance from our experienced mortgage advisers, we can find the right plan for your business.

Our team of dedicated mortgage advisers are readily available to offer you support and expert advice tailored to your circumstances. With our help, navigating the complexities of business protection doesn’t have to be a daunting task. So why wait? Contact us at Bredon Finance for all your mortgage and business protection needs. Let us help you turn that dream home into reality!

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No matter if you’re an absolute beginner to the housing market, or you’ve got a portfolio of properties under your belt and just need that little bit of advice to move forward, we can help. It’s important to us to understand that everyone is on a different journey, with no one size fits all solution. That’s why we’re not just mortgage advisers, we’re your partners in this endeavour.

Jay helped a member of the family with a mortgage for the over 70's when the banks were saying no, he worked some magic and managed to save hundreds of pounds per month as well. Fantastic service, very professional and highly recommended.